Saturday, February 1, 2014

Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary Memorial Tribute Album

It's Saturday!!! I am off work and just took a nice hot bath! I have an interview on Monday at 2, so maybe things will finally start coming together! Yay!! I hope all of you are having a nice weekend so far. I will not be viewing the Super Bowl, but will be reading, gaming and spending time with family! 

Anyway, I did a quick review on the new Sailor Moon album that dropped on the 29th. Thanks to Miss Dream for having it up for our enjoyment!
"Sailor Moon the 20th Anniversary Memorial Tribute Album" contains 10 tracks of OP/ED and insert songs from the anime, plus 1 bonus track. Here are some of my thoughts on the tracks individually:

Track 1: "Moonlight Densetsu" by Momoiro Clover Z
      Of course you have to kick it off with the signature song! This song was nice and peppy and really easy to sing along with!

Track 2: "Heart Moving" by Shoko Nakagawa
     This one is my personal favorite. I have always loved the melody of this song. Having it redone was a treat! :)

Track 3: "Princess Moon" by Haruka Fukuhara
       This song has always held a special place for me since it was the first Japanese Sailor Moon song I learned to sing all the way through.I liked the instrumental music. The vocalist was lacking a bit, but was in no way terrible.

Track 4: "Otome No Policy" by Etsuko Yakushimaru
      This song was not good. I usually feel empowered when I hear this song, but I felt like falling asleep.

Track 5: "La Soldier" by Tommy heavenly6
      PERFECT!! Tommy heavenly6 has been a favorite artist of mine for a long time.(mostly her Tommy february6 material) She was a perfect match for this song. The intro alone makes me happy!
Track 6: "Ai No Senshi" by Goto Mariko * Avu Chan (Ziyoouvachi)
     I like this song, but the guy's voice kinda ruined it for me.

Track 7: "Tuxedo Mirage" by Momoiro Clover Z
      I really love the harmonies in this one! This song has always been so pretty!

Track 8: "Rashiku Ikimasho" by Halko Momoi
     Not too different from the original, just a different voice! Very cute!

Track 9: "Sailor Star Song" by Mitsuko Horie
     I like that they brought Miss Horie in for this song. It made me feel like Galaxia was really singing it!

Track 10: "Kaze Mo Sora Mo Kitto" by Makoto Kawamoto
     Too long!!! I have never been a very big fan of this song. It's not bad, just boring.
Bonus Track: "Legende Au Clair de Lune" by Clementine
      Very nice French vocalist! It was a very nice final touch to the album!

Overall score 7.5/10.

Good things:
-A new fresh feel for the classic Sailor Moon songs!
-You can sing along!
-Something new for Sailor Moon fans!

Bad things:
-Some weak vocals.
-Needs more tracks!

Scans  courtesy of Mizuno Caitlin of Wild Mushroom Land who provided them for Miss Dream. Thank you for sharing with us! (The MP3 files are also available through them.) You can also purchase the CD through CD Japan or JList!

Like me on facebook: Jewely's Japanimation Nation


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