Thursday, January 30, 2014

Princess Jellyfish

Hello, friends! I hope you are all having a good week! It's been a bit stressful with work lately, but I'm looking for a new job. So that should help somewhat! I know most of you got your prizes. Please contact me if you did not yet receive your prize or something malfunctioned with it. (Note: All of the prizes were things I was looking to get rid of. I don't have the money to buy all the prizes new. LOL)

I just finished watching "Princess Jellyfish" on Netflix. It was unlike any other anime I've watched before. It had the feel of both a comedy and a drama.

The story is about Tsukimi, a nerdy girl who lives with all of her nerdy female friends. Tsukimi has an infinite love for jellyfish. One evening, Tsukimi notices that a pet shop has 2 different breeds of jellyfish in a tank together. With her knowledge of the species, she knows that one of them will die. She tries to tell the shop to separate them, but the shop keeper won't listen to her. Out of nowhere a "stylish girl" comes to her rescue and convinces the shop keeper to let Tsukimi take one of the jellyfish home. The girl escorts Tsukimi home and falls asleep there....what Tsukimi discovers then is something you will have to see for yourself! :)

I'm not going to go into depth with all the characters like I normally do. There's not a whole lot to elaborate on with just 11 episodes.The story is similar to that of "Cinderella" or "Pretty Woman", but more than that, it's about being confident in who you are, not just looking pretty. There was a lot of the same jokes over and over, and sometimes it just didn't make sense. I found it entertaining enough to view it thoroughly and pay attention to the story.

Princess Jellyfish receives an 8.5.

Follow me on twitter: @jjewelyj


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