Monday, December 30, 2013

The Ending of 2013

Thank you to all who have visited my little blog these past few months! I am stunned at how many readers I've had since I began this journey! 

I hope everyone's Christmas was wonderful. Mine was great! I got a little homesick for my family but it was a good day. Now it's on to the new year. I'm not very good at resolutions, but I am good at learning from mistakes and moving forward.

A reflection on 2013:
-Paid a lot of money for a gorgeous handmade wedding gown. Worth it!
-Got married. (He's stuck ^.^)
-Experienced being a substitue head secretary for a High School. (Never again)
-Moved away from my home in Barberton to Ada.
-Found new homes for my baby bunnies.
-Went to a convention with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law.
-Booked an audition.
-Moved to Lima with lots of help from my in-laws.
-Was in my cousin Melissa's wedding.
-Applied for college the 2nd time.
-Andy bought me a cute beta fish.
-Got my first indoor cat.
-Used a bus schedule for the first time.
-Had an audition via skype.
-Spent Christmas away from home for the first time.
-Currently working on a fan dub of Cardcaptor Sakura as Kero.

This past year was pretty good, but I'm ready to move on to 2014 and see what it holds for me!

I hope to review lots more anime in 2014! Happy New Year!!!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

25 Days of Japanimas - Day 25

Well, it seems that working in retail, going to family Christmases, and trying to run a giveaway on a blog...don't mix very well! I apologize for not being here to post daily prizes. To make it up, I have one grand prize to offer my readers.

If you can tell me who you think is my favorite from these anime series, you will win a free commissioned fleece hat made to look like a character of your choice. (Like a hat made to look like Luna from Sailor Moon)

The animes of choice are:
                                         Sailor Moon
                                         Cardcaptor Sakura
                                         Dragonball Z
                                         Tenchi Muyo
Name who you think my favorite characters are and you can win!

Comment your answers below, email, or like me on facebook and message me there! Jewely's Japanimation Nation

Merry Japanimas!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

25 Days of Japanimas - Day 18

Sorry again guys for being later with posting! I'm running out of steam with the long hours at work and such. But congrats to Hope and Cortney for winning day 16 and 17's prizes!

Day 18 Question: Which PGSM actress appeared in "Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift"?

Today's prize is a copy of Cardcaptor Sakura on DVD!

Comment your answers below, email, or like me on facebook and message me there! Jewely's Japanimation Nation

Merry Japanimas!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

25 Days of Japanimas - Day 16 and 17

Ok, guys! I'm sorry I didn't get a post up yesterday. It's been crazy right now for me with my audition and work! No one has won Day 15's mystery prize either! I will give another 24 hours to answer Day 15's question. If it's not won, I will donate it.

Day 16 Challenge: Name all of the Sailor Animamates from Sailor Stars.

Day 16 Prize: Pokemon: Giratina and the Sky Warrior DVD

Day 17 Challenge: Name all of the animals that the Tokyo Mew Mew girls have their DNA fused with.

Day 17 Prize: Tokyo Mew Mew Omnibus Volume 3

If you can answer both of these questions correctly, I will also throw in a Sailor Moon iPhone 4/4S case (slightly cracked, but still can be used. It was mine but I no longer have an iPhone).

Comment your answers below, email, or like me on facebook and message me there! Jewely's Japanimation Nation

Merry Japanimas!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Audition and Christmas in Lima

So today I had an audition for the official dubs of  "FairyTail" and "Sailor Moon". I was more nervous than I've ever been in my life! I hope I did ok, but we will have to see. I am hoping even if I don't get any roles, that I can still do some independent work from home.

Anyway, I just wanted to post something that wasn't a giveaway. I've been working a lot since it's the holidays. What's weird is my husband has been working more than me, and that never happens. We should have some decent paychecks though.

This is our first Christmas in Lima. So, it's been interesting. We have a few friends, but don't know anyone well enough yet to just call them up to hang out. It will be my first Christmas away from my family, so it's a little hard, but it will still be a good Christmas.

I've wrapped some Christmas gifts and have discovered that cats LOVE wrapping paper! So now, Loki has his own to play with. :)
Here is a picture of me with my baby, Loki! I love him lots!

Hope everyone has a great week and stays warm!

Merry Christmas!

25 Days of Japanimas - Day 15

So, no one did yesterday's challenge except my husband. It looks as if he is going to give the prize to someone for Christmas! 

Day 15 Question: What is the connection between Sasami and Tsunami in the "Tenchi Muyo!" OVA?

Today's prize is another "Mystery Prize"!


Comment your answers below, email, or like me on facebook and message me there! Jewely's Japanimation Nation

Merry Japanimas!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

25 Days of Japanimas - Day 14

Congrats to Cortney for winning yesterday's prize! The answer was Anza Ooyama. Anza who played the first Sailor Moon sang one of the openings for Cardcaptor Sakura. She also sang another song featured in the anime's 2nd season.

Day 13 Challenge: Name the first 25 Pokemon in order.

Today's prize is a "My Little Pony Stuck on Stories" book!

Comment your answers below, email, or like me on facebook and message me there! Jewely's Japanimation Nation

Merry Japanimas!

Friday, December 13, 2013

25 Days of Japanimas - Day 13

Congratulations to Mousie for winning yesterday's prize! The answer was "Ouran High School Host Club".

Day 13 Question: Which Sera Myu actress sang at least 2 songs from Cardcaptor Sakura?

Today's prize is a copy of "Tokyo MewMew" Omnibus Volume 2!

Comment your answers below, email, or like me on facebook and message me there! Jewely's Japanimation Nation

Merry Japanimas!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

25 Days of Japanimas - Day 12

Congratulations to Hope for winning yesterday's mystery prize! She won a copy of Tenchi Muyo manga! The answer to yesterday's question was "Nakayoshi Magazine".

Day 12 Question: What popular anime did Sera Myu/ PGSM actress Chieco Kawabe sing the opening theme for?

Today's prize is a copy of the 2 versions of "Pokemon Black and White: Victini and Reshiram/ Victini and Zekrom"!

Comment your answers below, email, or like me on facebook and message me there! Jewely's Japanimation Nation

Merry Japanimas!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

25 Days of Japanimas - Day 11

Congratulations to Joseph for winning yesterday's prize! The answer was Gotenks (Goten and Trunks), Gogeta (Goku and Vegeta with Fusion Dance), Vegito (Goku and Vegeta with Fusion earrings). These were the only ones that were required to answer correctly. 

Day 11 Question: What magazine featured the original run of the Sailor Moon manga?

Today's prize is a "Mystery Prize"!

Comment your answers below, email, or like me on facebook and message me there! Jewely's Japanimation Nation

Merry Japanimas!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

25 Days of Japanimas - Day 10

Congratulations to my friend, Hope for winning yesterday's Japanimas prize! The answer to yesterday's challenge was; Team Rocket, Team Aqua, Team Magma, Team Galactic, Team Plasma, and Team Flare. (Hope went above and beyond and named a few others, but these are the main ones.)

Day 10 Challenge: Name all the Super Saiyan fusions from Dragon Ball Z. (The fusions are when 2 different characters fuse together to make one Super Saiyan)

Today's prize is a game of Bunco and an original Holiday themed Sasami drawing by me!

Comment your answers below, email, or like me on facebook and message me there! Jewely's Japanimation Nation

Merry Japanimas!

Monday, December 9, 2013

25 Days of Christmas - Day 9

Congratulations to Mousie again for winning yesterday's Japanimas prize! The answer to yesterday's trivia was Shiho Niiyama(voice of Sailor Star Fighter). Ms. Niiyama tragically died of leukemia in 2000.

Day 9 Challenge: Name all the villain teams in the Pokemon games. From Red and Blue to X and Y.

Today's prize is an autographed copy of "Flipside"  Volume 1 by Brion Foulke.

Comment your answers below, email, or like me on facebook and message me there! Jewely's Japanimation Nation

Merry Japanimas!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

25 Days of Japanimas - Day 8

Congratulations to my friend, Cookie for winning yesterday's Japanimas prize! The answer was B : "Serial Experiments Lain". "S.E.L." came from a classic story that is said to have paved the way for "The Matrix".

Day 8 Question: Which Japanese voice actor from "Sailor Moon" passed away in 2000?

Today's prize is Marvel Metallic Dominoes and an original drawing by me "Trainer Moon and Trainer ChibiMoon"! (The dominoes could make a good stocking stuffer)
Comment your answers below, email, or like me on facebook and message me there! Jewely's Japanimation Nation

Merry Japanimas!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

25 Days of Japanimas - Day 7

Congratulations Cortney for winning yesterday's Japanimas prize! The answer to yesterday's trivia was "Washu, Tokimi, and Tsunami", they are the 3 sister goddesses said to have created the universe in the Tenchi Muyo multiverse.

Day 7 Question: What anime storyline is said to have "paved the way" for films like "The Matrix"? (Today I will give multiple choice)
A. Revolutionary Girl Utena
B.Serial Experiments Lain
C.Gundam Wing
D.Outlaw Star

Today's prize is a 4 Pokemon movie collection on DVD!

Comment your answers below, email, or like me on facebook and message me there! Jewely's Japanimation Nation

Merry Japanimas!

Friday, December 6, 2013

25 Days of Japanimas - Day 6

Congratulations Sarah for winning yesterday's prize! The answer to yesterday's trivia was, "Cephiro". Cephiro is the magical land that is guarded by the Magic Knights, Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu.

Day 6 Question: Name the 3 sister goddesses in the Tenchi Muyo multiverse.

Today's prize is a copy of "Tokyo MewMew" omnibus version volume 1!
Comment your answers below, email, or like me on facebook and message me there! Jewely's Japanimation Nation

Merry Japanimas!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

25 Days of Japanimas - Day 5

Congrats to Mousie for winning yesterday's prize! The answer was Christian Bale who provided the English voice for Howl.

Day 5 Question: What is the name of the land that Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu must protect in Magic Knight Rayearth?

Today's prize is a copy of the anime "Strange Dawn" on DVD!
Comment your answers below, email, or like me on facebook and message me there! Jewely's Japanimation Nation

Merry Japanimas!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

25 Days of Japanimas - Day 4

Congratulations to mysticrouge on twitter for winning yesterday's prize! The answer to yesterday's question was Cerberus, Daidouji, Syaoran, and Yue. ( I would have accepted just Cerberus and Yue). Cerberus and Yue protect Sakura throughout the series.

Day 3 Question: What well-known actor provided the English voice for Howl in Hayao Miyazaki's"Howl's Moving Castle"?

 Today's prize is an omnibus copy of  "Angelic Layer" vol. 1!

Comment your answers below, email, or like me on facebook and answer there!Jewely's Japanimation Nation

Just to let everyone know, these prizes will not be shipped until January 3rd, due to Holiday mayhem!

Merry Japanimas!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

25 Days of Japanimas - Day 3

Congrats to my friend, Erica, for winning yesterday's prize! The answer to yesterday's trivia was "Pan". Gohan and Videl named their daughter Pan. She is one of the main characters in the Dragon Ball GT series.

Day 3 Question: What are the full names of Sakura's guardians in "Cardcaptor Sakura"?

Today's prize is a Sailor Moon jersey shirt from Hot Topic.
First to answer correctly wins! Comment your answers below, email, or like me on facebook! Jewely's Japanimation Nation

Merry Japanimas!

Monday, December 2, 2013

25 Days of Japanimas - Day 2

Ok, we had our first winner for Japanimas. The Sailor Moon community would know her by Iron Mouse or Mousie. The answer to Day 1's trivia was in fact, Princess Serenity. So Mousie won the Adventure Time DVD.

Day 2 Question: What is the name of Gohan and Videl's child in the Dragon Ball Z series?

Winner will receive an original Christmas themed drawing of Sailor Moon by yours truly!(Not much, I know)

Comment your answers below, email, or like me on facebook and comment your answer there!

Merry Japanimas!

25 Days of Japanimas Giveaway!

I posted this on the Japanimation Nation facebook page yesterday. I am doing a 25 days of Japanimas Giveaway! I will offer my readers a chance to participate in anime/animation trivia to win cool prizes. Yesterday's question has not been answered. 
Day 1 Question: In the episode of Adventure Time "Fiona and Cake", what anime character was Fiona's ball gown modeled after? First one to answer correctly wins a copy of "Adventure Time 'My Two Favorite People'" on DVD.
Please comment your answer below, email me at, or like me on facebook and answer there! Good luck!

Merry Japanimas!