Thursday, January 30, 2014

Princess Jellyfish

Hello, friends! I hope you are all having a good week! It's been a bit stressful with work lately, but I'm looking for a new job. So that should help somewhat! I know most of you got your prizes. Please contact me if you did not yet receive your prize or something malfunctioned with it. (Note: All of the prizes were things I was looking to get rid of. I don't have the money to buy all the prizes new. LOL)

I just finished watching "Princess Jellyfish" on Netflix. It was unlike any other anime I've watched before. It had the feel of both a comedy and a drama.

The story is about Tsukimi, a nerdy girl who lives with all of her nerdy female friends. Tsukimi has an infinite love for jellyfish. One evening, Tsukimi notices that a pet shop has 2 different breeds of jellyfish in a tank together. With her knowledge of the species, she knows that one of them will die. She tries to tell the shop to separate them, but the shop keeper won't listen to her. Out of nowhere a "stylish girl" comes to her rescue and convinces the shop keeper to let Tsukimi take one of the jellyfish home. The girl escorts Tsukimi home and falls asleep there....what Tsukimi discovers then is something you will have to see for yourself! :)

I'm not going to go into depth with all the characters like I normally do. There's not a whole lot to elaborate on with just 11 episodes.The story is similar to that of "Cinderella" or "Pretty Woman", but more than that, it's about being confident in who you are, not just looking pretty. There was a lot of the same jokes over and over, and sometimes it just didn't make sense. I found it entertaining enough to view it thoroughly and pay attention to the story.

Princess Jellyfish receives an 8.5.

Follow me on twitter: @jjewelyj


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

New Sailor Moon Anime Wish List Top 10

With the upcoming new Sailor Moon anime, we have heard very little about what they are going to do with the design/story. We do know that it is set to release in July of this year and we also know it is not a redo, but a completely different work. Here are some things that I would like to see in the new anime.

1.Up to date fashions for the senshi's civilian forms.
   I started watching Sailor Moon in 1998. So by then, the fashions were all a little "dated". I would like to see each character's personality shine in the way they dress.

2. More character development for the other girls rather than just Sailor Moon.
  One thing I always praise the live-action show for is how much focus there was on EACH senshi, not just Usagi. I love Usagi, but I also love Minako, Makoto, and Ami. I would like to see more light shed on the other characters.

3.Sailor V
  I don't know how they would put her in the story, but I think we would all like to see at least a flashback episode of Sailor V, the original senshi.

4. Less filler, more story.
   I would like to see the story progress more, rather than just staying on one point in the story for so long. (Ex. Amazon Trio is awesome, but not a lot happens in the story til they are leaving)

5. Chibi Chibi's story from the manga. (Sailor Cosmos)
  I would like to see the original Chibi Chibi origin story. I think they could do Sailor Cosmos beautifully.

6. Human Luna, Artemis, and Diana.
  I would like to see them all 3 in their human forms, and a mention of planet Mau.

7.Sailor Quartet
  Enough said.

8. Sailor senshi (other than Sailor Moon) different outfits.
  I know it probably won't happen, but I would like to see more of a change in the senshi's fukus when they "upgrade". In the original anime, there was not a very noticeable difference. I think they could at least end on their Eternal fukus.

9. Let some other couple besides Usagi and Mamoru have a love story.
  I would be happy with more of a focus on Haruka and Michiru than they got the first time around. I have always wanted the other girls to find love. Fan-fiction can only get you so far. :)

10. Princess Senshi
 I have cosplayed Princess Neptune, so naturally I am a fan of the princesses. I love the scene in the manga where they see their castles. I believe each one of them deserves a princess title on screen. 
(Photo Credit: artwork by RedShootingStar on DeviantArt

These are just a few things that I'm sure any Sailor Moon fan would like to see! I'm sure it's going to be great no matter which direction they go with it. What are some of your hopes for the new anime? Please Share!

Like me on facebook :Jewely's Japanimation Nation


Monday, January 6, 2014

Invade! Squid Girl Season 1

Hi guys! Hope you all are staying warm! It is around -30 degrees here in Lima with the windchill. Got called off work today which sucks cause I need the hours but it is just too darn cold. Andy and I went grocery shopping today and had to push his car out of a snow bank in our parking lot. So now Loki and I are just camping out in our bedroom since it's the only part of the apartment that will stay warm.

Last night I finished season 1 of "Invade! Squid Girl" on Netflix. I watched the dubbed version since that's all Netflix has available.
There is not a fledged out story for this anime. Each episode has 2 or 3 short stories. The basic plot is Squid Girl is a girl from the ocean who has squid tentacles for hair. She comes to invade mankind as revenge for its pollution of the ocean. Her first task is to make the Lemon Beach House, owned by the Chizuru and Eiko Aizawa, her base of operations. However, when she accidentally breaks a hole in their wall trying to swat a mosquito, she is forced to work as a waitress to pay off the damages. Squid Girl begins her life on the surface, learning new things and encountering many curious visitors to the beach house.

The main characters are:

                                                         Squid Girl (Of Course!)
                                                            Chizuru Aizawa- She seems to be the only human that Squid Girl is afraid of. She is sweet most of the time. But if you damage the beach house, you are in big trouble.
                                          Eiko Aizawa - She has very little patience for Squid Girl, but in the long run is probably Squid Girl's greatest supporter.
                                        Takeru Aizawa - Chizuru and Eiko's little brother. He loves having Squid Girl around to play with!
                                         Sanae Nagatsuki - A friend of Eiko's who has a crush on Squid Girl. She spends most of her time trying to get intimate with "Squiddy" or taking lots of pictures of her.
                                                        Goro Arashiyama- The beach lifeguard. He fights with Squid Girl a lot and has a big crush on Chizuru.
                                          Nagisa Saito - The only human who is afraid of Squid Girl. She tries to prevent Squid Girl from gathering human intelligence.
                                                        Cindy Campbell - Thinks Squid Girl is really an invader from outer space and tries multiple times to get Squid Girl to come to her lab so she can do tests on her.

I think this show is actually pretty funny! Definitely not a classic anime, but still pretty substantial. I actually really want to cosplay Squid Girl! 

"Invade! Squid Girl" Season 1 gets an 8/10 from Jewely's Japanimation Nation


Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Cat Returns

Happy Saturday everybody! I hope you all had a great week! I got to see "Frozen" for the 2nd time yesterday for free! Thanks to Disney Movie Rewards. I think the movie is great and if you haven't seen it yet, try to before it leaves theaters.

Last night I watched "The Cat Returns" for like the 5th time. It's another film by Hayao Miyazaki. It's very much unlike his other films. It's a bit more weird and goofy than the usual stories.

The story is about a young girl named Haru, who saves a cat from getting hit by a truck. Little does she know that the cat she saved was the Prince of the Cat Kingdom. She is then greeted by the King of the Cat Kingdom one night and is told of all the wonderful "gifts" that will be bestowed upon her.

The next morning, Haru wakes up and finds that her house is covered in cat-tail grass. Her friend, Hiromi finds a bunch of Lacrosse sticks (what she saved the Cat Prince with) at school. Haru's pockets are stuffed with catnip and there are several mice hidden in her school locker.

After Haru suffers the onslaught of gifts, she is greeted by Natoru, the King's lacky. Natoru informs her that she will receive the ultimate gift of becoming the Prince's bride. Haru thinks that she may fit in better with cats. She then hears a faint voice telling her to seek the Cat Bureau.

After hearing the voice, she sees a fat cat and he guides her to the Cat Bureau. There, Haru meets, Muta,the fat cat, Baron, the figurine cat, and Totobelle the statue crow with a soul. They invite her into the bureau to figure out how to protect her from the cat kingdom. Unfortunately, Natoru and the other cats from the kingdom find her there and snatch her away.

When Haru arrives in the Cat Kingdom, she is scaled down to cat size and begins to enjoy herself. A beautiful cat named Yuki tells Haru to leave now before it's too late, but Haru ignores her.

Haru is taken to the castle where they have her dressed for a royal party. They remind Haru that she is going to marry the Prince. Haru protests and says that she can't because she's human. Only to then find out that she has been turned into a cat.

At the party, Haru is still upset about being a cat. Baron comes to her rescue, and Yuki helps them and Muta escape. Haru needs to make it to the top of the castle tower to turn back into a human by morning. To find out the rest, watch the film sometime! :)

This film also has an all-star cast:
Haru- Anne Hathaway (The Princess Diaries, Alice in Wonderland)
Hiromi- Kristen Bell (Veronica Mars, Frozen)
Baron-Cary Elwes (The Princess Bride)
Muta-Peter Boyle (Everybody Loves Raymond)
Totobelle-Elliott Gould (Ocean's Eleven)
Yuki-Judy Greer (Arrested Development, 13 Going on 30)
Cat King-Tim Curry (Rocky Horror Picture Show, Annie)
Natoru- Andy Richter (Conan)

This movie is entertaining and funny. It's not epic like other Miyazaki films, but still a good one. I give "The Cat Returns" a 7/10 score! 

Follow me on Twitter: @jjewelyj :D
