Friday, November 8, 2013

Welcome to the Craziness

Helloo!!! My name is Jewely!! First off, thank you for taking time to read my little blog! I hope you enjoy your time here. I am in no way a skilled blogger/writer, but I figured I could share my love of anime with you this way. 

A few things about me:
                                      Favorite Color: Lime Green
                                      Favorite Food: Sushi (spicy tuna roll YUM!!)
                                      Marital Status: Married (as of Feb. 23rd, 2013)
                                      Favorite Anime: Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon
                                      Favorite Movie: The Wizard of Oz
                                      DC or Marvel: Marvel
                                      Sub or Dub: Sub
                                      Shonen or Shoujo:Shoujo
                                      Favorite Thing to do to Waste Time: Watch anime
                                      Favorite Doctor: 10 (David Tennant)
                                      Dream Job:Anything that requires moving to Japan!
                                      Favorite Video Game: Pokemon X
                                      Favorite Game System: Nintendo 3DS XL
                                      Favorite Pokemon: Totodile
                                      Next Gen Console: PS4
                                      Favorite Sailor Senshi: It's a tie between Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus! 
Well, I think I covered all the basic nerd stuff! Ha! You can also follow me on tumblr: and on twitter: @jjewelyj. If you have any request on anime reviews you would like done, please email me at! 

Hugs and Kisses!

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