Thursday, March 20, 2014

Wedding Peach Season 2

Season 2 Premiere Air Date: October 11th, 1995 (Dub DVD Release: October 5th, 2004)

Momoko Hanasaki/Wedding Peach-Kyoko Hikami (Dub: Larissa Wolcott)
Yuri Tanima/Angel Lily-Yukana Nogami (Dub: Carla Witt)
Hinagiku Tamano/Angel Daisy-Yuko Miyamura (Dub: Heather Kafka)
Scarlett O'Hara/Angel Salvia-Yuka Imai (Dub: T. Lynn Mikeska)
Jama-P -Miwa Matsumoto (Dub:Bill Wise)
Yousuke Fuuma/Viento-Yuji Ueda (Dub: Gray Haddock)
Kazuya Yanagiba/Limone-Shinichiro Miki (Dub: Brian Jepson)
Takuro Amano-Kappei Yamaguchi (Dub: Josh Meyer)
Reine Devilla-Mika Doi (Dub: Lainie Frasier)
Aphrodite-Mako Hyodo (Dub: Catherine Frasier)
Igneous-Tomokazu Seki (Dub: Nicholas Keene)
Hiromi Kawanami/Potamos/Angel Potamos-Kotono Mitsuishi (Dub: Jenny M. Larson)
Sakura Hanasaki/Angel Celeste-Chiharu Suzuka (Dub: Marla Kanoff)

Characters Introduced in Season 2:
                                                                     Takuro Amano
He is introduced in this season as a pawn for Igneous. Igneous gives him the task of figuring out who the Love Angels are in the civilian world. He is a childhood friend of Hinagiku's. He has a crush on Momoko at the beginning, but that is short lived when love sparks between him and Hinagiku.

Potamos is from the Devil world. She kills Igneous towards the beginning of the season and takes his place. She attends school with Momoko and her friends. She also has a crush on Yousuke.

Scarlett O'Hara/Angel Salvia
Angel Salvia is the Love Angel who possesses the Saint Something New. She is on a mission to kill Devils rather than purify them. She attends a private school under the name of Scarlett. She is much more mature than the other Love Angels.

Viento is a warrior from the Devil world. He is Yousuke, although Yousuke doesn't realize it. He is in love with Wedding Peach/Momoko.

Angel Celeste
It is revealed in the season that Momoko's mother is Angel Celeste, Aphrodite's sister. She goes by the name Sakura in the human world. She lost her memories as Angel Celeste, and began a new life in the human world. She got married and gave birth to Momoko. When she regained her memories, she had to leave her human family to protect them.

Kazuya Yanagiba/Limone
Although, Yanagiba and Limone were introduced in Season 1, we find out in this season that they are actually the same person.

My thoughts on Season 2:
-A huge improvement from Season 1.
-Angel Salvia brought a good balance to the Love Angels. She gave them the maturity they were lacking.
-I think Momoko and Yousuke's love story might be one of the best I've seen in an anime. (Better than Usagi and Mamoru's in "Sailor Moon")

Season 2's DVD collection came with the 4 OVA episodes, "Wedding Peach DX". They were entertaining, but had no real plotline and just....ended.

"Wedding Peach" Season 2 receives a 9/10 from Jewely!

The Good:
-I stayed interested the full season.
-Had a lot of mysteries revealed.
-Good story progression.

The Bad:
-Still a bit silly with the names and attacks.
-Can't relate to the characters like you can in other anime.

That's all for the "Wedding Peach" series! Like me on Facebook: Jewely's Japanimation Nation


Saturday, March 15, 2014

Jewely and Naoko's Birthday Celebration 2014 - Day 15

So....TODAY IS THE DAY!! It is mine and Naoko's birthday! I turn 26 years old today and she turns 47! I hope this year will have lots of Sailor Moon goodness in store for us!

This episode is my #1 favorite episode of Sailor Moon! It's a filler episode, but the comedy in it is brilliant! I find myself watching this episode more than any others!

Episode 108 (Season 3/Sailor Moon S)
"Usagi's Dance, in Time to Waltz" (Dub: "Everything's Coming Up Rosey")

Original Air Date: September 17th, 1994 (Dub: July 6th, 2000)
Sailor Moon/Usagi-Kotono Mitsuishi (Dub: Linda Ballantyne)
Sailor Mercury/Ami-Aya Hisakawa (Dub: Liza Balkan)
Sailor Mars/Rei-Michie Tomizawa (Dub: Katie Griffin)
Sailor Jupiter/Makoto-Emi Shinohara (Dub: Susan Roman)
Sailor Venus/Minako-Rika Fukami (Dub: Emilie Barlow)
Sailor Chibi Moon/ChibiUsa-Kae Araki (Dub: Stephanie "Sugar" Beard)
Sailor Uranus/Haruka-Megumi Ogata (Dub: Sarah LaFleur)
Sailor Neptune/Michiru-Masako Katsuki (Dub: Barbara Radecki)
Tuxedo Mask/Mamoru-Tohru Furuya (Dub: Vincent Corazza)
Edwards-Osamu Saka (Dub: N/A)
Eudial-Maria Kawamura (Dub: Loretta Jafelice)

It's a hot day and Usagi and the girls are doing some studying in Mamoru's apartment. Mamoru suspects that they're here just for the air conditioning, but Rei says it's because she likes his herbal iced tea too. Although that doesn't make Mamoru feel any better.
They hear someone at the door, so Usagi goes to answer it. As she opens the door, she's shocked to hear that the man speaks English. She tries her best to say that she doesn't speak English, but luckily he speaks Japanese and tells her that he's a friend of Mamoru's.
Mamoru invites him in and the man invites them all to a party at a mansion. Ami thinks it's a great idea cause it's a great way to interact with people from other countries and cultures.
Usagi is happy to go as it is a party and will be with Mamoru, but she becomes uneasy when she realizes that most of the conversations will be in English. (She is in the background having an inward battle the whole time.It cracks me up!)
At the Death Buster's base, Eudial's computer targets Edwards, Mamoru's friend. She leaves right away and exits through a pond, startling two onlookers.
At the night of the party, the girls all dress up. As they enter, Edwards introduces the girls to several young men. Usagi panics and runs away to look at her phrase book, but the men actually speak Japanese and become friends with Ami, Rei, Makoto, and Minako.
Haruka and Michiru are playing the piano and violin at the party. During their break,  Michiru dances with Mamoru and the 2 talk about Edwards and all the good he's done.
Usagi, feeling nervous, drinks a lot of "juice" and begins to say things that make NO sense. (i.e. "Nice to meet you, cream stew!" My favorite Sailor Moon line of all time.) The girls notice she's drunk and rush her to the balcony where she gets sick. They ask her how much she drank, she says...."Just a little."
Edwards comes along and tells them about the garden and that his dream is for a peaceful world with understanding. Ami says that she wishes everywhere was as peaceful as the mansion.
In the kitchen, Mamoru sees a waiter about to open a door with blue gas coming out from under it. He yells for the man not to open it, but it's too late, the gas seeps out and spreads throughout the mansion, knocking everyone out.
Eudial appears and zaps Edwards and takes his Pure Heart Crystal. Haruka and Michiru transform and take the crystal from her but see it's not the one they want and return it.
Sailor Moon and the other senshi appear, causing Eudial to summon the Daimon to attack while she escapes.
The musical Daimon Chiquan appears but trips over her formal dress that she's wearing. After being attacked by "World Shaking", it falls off and she blasts them all with her blue rose energy attack.
She then continues her attack with musical note projectiles and a sonic musical attack.Tuxedo Mask arrives and destroys her record with his rose attack. Sailor Moon then uses "Moon Spiral Heart Attack" and defeats her.

Later, the party continues and all the girls begin to fight over who Haruka will dance with next. Haruka's already left though and watches on from outside as Sailor Uranus along with Sailor Neptune.

Here is "Moonlight Densetsu" from the September 2013 musical "La Reconquista":

There it is, folks, my top 15 episodes of Sailor Moon! I hope you enjoyed mine and Naoko's birthday celebration! Wish her a happy birthday and thank her for all that she's done for us fans!


Friday, March 14, 2014

Jewely and Naoko's Birthday Celebration 2014 - Day 14

Episode 172 (Season 5/ Sailor Stars)
"Power of Moon Love! The End of a Nightmare"

Original Air Date: May 4th, 1996
Sailor Moon/Usagi-Kotono Mitsuishi
Sailor Mercury/Ami-Aya Hisakawa
Sailor Mars/Rei-Michie Tomizawa
Sailor Jupiter/Makoto-Emi Shinohara
Sailor Venus/Minako-Rika Fukami
Sailor Chibi Moon/ChibiUsa-Kae Araki
Sailor Uranus/Haruka-Megumi Ogata
Sailor Neptune/Michiru-Masako Katsuki
Sailor Pluto/Setsuna-Chiyoko Kawashima
Sailor Saturn/Hotaru-Yuko Minaguchi
Endymion/Mamoru-Tohru Furuya
Queen Nehellenia-Yoshiko Sakakibara
Young Queen Nehellenia-Wakana Yamazaki
Luna-Keiko Han
Artemis-Yasuhiro Takato
Diana-Kumiko Nishihara

Sailor Chibi Moon and Sailor Saturn confront Queen Nehellenia who tells them that there is nothing she can do to take the curse off of Mamoru and the only way would be to remove the piece of glass from his eye.
Chibi Moon starts to beg Mamoru to come back to normal as she begins to fade from existence. She tells him that he has the same dream as Usagi and that if he doesn't wake up, she will die. Mamoru appears to be struggling with the curse. Saturn tells her to call out to him more. Nehellenia sees this and zaps his eye with more of her magic, which strengthens the curse. Mamoru pushes Chibi Moon away.
Sailor Saturn blocks the magic with "Silent Wall" but it's too late.
Seeing no choice, she tells Nehellenia that she will kill her. Nehellenia laughs and says that Saturn will die too. Saturn knows this, but raises her Silence Glaive. Nehellenia looks at her, shocked, and tries to shield herself.
Sailor Saturn uses "Silent Glaive Surprise" which releases a huge amount of energy and blasts the entire castle. As she drops her Glaive, everything stops.
Nehellenia looks over at them and sees that Chibi Moon stopped Saturn from finishing the attack. Chibi Moon whispers to Saturn not to kill herself and believe in their prince and princess. Chibi Moon then falls to the ground.
Nehellenia takes this time and knocks Saturn's Silence Glaive out of her hand and traps her in a mirror.
Usagi then arrives, having made her way through the thorns. She runs to Chibi Moon who is fading away. She holds her but it's too late. Chibi Moon fades away, then Usagi begins to cry.
Back in Tokyo, Artemis tells Luna and Diana that the people affected by the curse are now trapped in their own mirrors.
Usagi demands to know what Chibi Moon did to Nehellenia. Nehellenia tells her that she wants revenge on her for sealing her away and for taking her mirror away. She then goes on to explain that while she had loyal subjects in her kingdom, she had no real friends. The mirror and her beauty were her only companions. Since her mirror was taken away, she is now all alone.
Usagi tells her to take her revenge on her but leave her friends alone. Usagi says they would understand and be her new friends when she is gone. Nehellenia strangles Usagi. Usagi looks at her with sad, teary eyes. Nehellenia yells at her to stop looking at her like that and throws her against the wall.
Usagi stands up and closes her eyes and senses all the senshi feeling for Nehellenia. Suddenly, Mamoru's eye begins to glow and the shard of mirror removes itself and shatters, which frees him. All the mirrors holding the senshi also shatter and they all appear in a circle around Nehellenia. Mamoru stands up as Chibi Moon appears next to him.
Sailor Mars tells Usagi that they all know what to do. They all hold hands.
Nehellenia becomes furious and blasts them all with her lightning. While she's attacking, Mamoru transforms into Endymion. Usagi then transforms into Eternal Sailor Moon and extends her Eternal Tier.
All the senshi focus their energy. Sailor Moon asks Nehellenia to concentrate on her true dream. Nehellenia begins to cry and remembers that she had always wanted friends and a lover who would understand her.
Pink energy goes up to the Moon, finishing the eclipse and making a New Moon. Nehellenia fades away to start her life over.The mirror that had corrupted her life, shatters.
She wakes up as a young girl on her throne. Her kingdom and subjects have been reborn. She says she's sleepy and asks if someone could read her a story. A woman says that she would love to. Little Nehellania smiles.
On Earth, Mamoru says that Nehellenia's life is now truly starting. Sailor Moon gives Jupiter back her rose earring and thanks her.
Above Earth, the evil voice that had awakened Nehellania laughs evilly.

(Couldn't find a good clip for this episode, sorry!)

This episode is one of my favorites because it is the first time you see all the senshi fighting together. It is also the last episode that ChibiUsas/Sailor Chibi Moon appears in, other than flashbacks or dream sequences.

Help Naoko and I celebrate by liking me on Facebook: Jewely's Japanimation Nation


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Jewely and Naoko's Birthday Celebration 2014 - Day 13

Episode 184 (Season 5/ Sailor Stars)
"A Night for Just Us! Usagi's Pinch"

Original Air Date: August 17th, 1996
Sailor Moon/Usagi-Kotono Mitsuishi
Sailor Mercury/Ami-Aya Hisakawa
Sailor Mars/Rei-Michie Tomizawa
Sailor Jupiter/Makoto-Emi Shinohara
Sailor Venus/Minako-Rika Fukami
Sailor Uranus/Haruka-Megumi Ogata
Sailor Neptune/Michiru-Masako Katsuki
Chibi Chibi-Kotono Mitsuishi
Sailor Star Fighter/Seiya-Shiho Niyama
Sailor Star Maker/Taiki-Narumi Tsunoda
Sailor Star Healer/Yaten-Chika Sakamoto
Luna-Keiko Han
Artemis-Yasuhiro Takato
Sailor Aluminum Siren/Reiko Aya-Kikuko Inoue
Sailor Lead Crow/Akane Karasuma-Chiharu Suzuka
Sailor Sommelier/Jun Godai-Kouji Tsujitani

At school the girls are talking about all the break ins that have been happening lately. Usagi begins to freak because her whole family is out of town this week and she has been left alone at her house.
Seiya overhears this conversation and offers to come over and keep her company. Usagi is very happy to accept his offer. Although, the other girls assume that Seiya is using the situation to his advantage.
That night, Usagi is cleaning up the house with Luna before Seiya gets there. Luna tells Usagi to not let her guard down.
The doorbell rings. Usagi runs to answer it but trips an falls over. Seiya opens the door and finds Usagi lying on the floor.
In Usagi's room, Seiya tells Usagi that he has something to tell her and reaches for his Sailor Change Star. Usagi assumes that he's trying to tell her that he loves her, so she backs away.
Chibi Chibi appears and throws a piece of cake in Seiya's face. Seiya goes to have a shower and thinks to himself that he's missed his chance to tell Usagi who he is.
While he's in the shower, Rei, Ami, Makoto, and Artemis arrive. As Usagi opens the door, Seiya comes walking out of the shower with a very small towel wrapped around his waist. Chibi Chibi runs up to him and begins pulling on the towel claiming it's hers. All the girls halfway cover their eyes as Seiya runs away.

Later on, the all cook dinner in the kitchen, but they stop what they're doing when they see a cockroach. Seiya goes to hit it with a slipper but it flies at them and they all scream.

The doorbell rings, and Taiki and Yaten enter to see them all covered in food.
.After they clean up, they all sit down to play a game of cards.
Nearby, Haruka and Michiru are driving in their car when Haruka's car breaks down. They see that they're close to Usagi's house and decide to stop by for a visit. Usagi is happy to see them both, but when Haruka and Seiya see each other, there is tension.

They all sit down and Haruka and Seiya begin to argue. Suddenly the doorbell rings. Usagi goes to answer it and is surprised to see a TV crew outside who have heard the Three Lights are there and want to do a show about what they're eating for dinner. (It's pizza since the first dinner attempt didn't work out)
Usagi tells Minako to keep them busy while they all hide Seiya, Taiki, and Yaten. Usagi takes Seiya upstairs and together with Chibi Chibi, they cram into a cupboard. Seiya tries to tell Usagi who he is one more time, but Usagi calls him perverted since she thinks he's putting the moves on her.
They hear screaming. Usagi runs downstairs to see what's going on. Sailor Lead Crow and Aluminum Siren have invaded the house and knocked out the TV crew, stuck Minako to the wall and targeted the manager. Usagi runs around the house looking for a place to transform but keeps running into everyone else who is still hiding.
.She eventually goes to the attic and is able to transform into Eternal Sailor Moon.

Downstairs, Sailor Uranus and Neptune have transformed. Aluminum Siren sees the pink petals that are the signature of the 2 senshi and comments on how pretty the petals are. She then tells them how rude they are for wearing shoes on the dinner table then escapes with Lead Crow.

The Manager transforms into Sailor Sommelier. Neptune attacks him with "Deep Submerge" but he just swallows it.
Eternal Sailor Moon goes back downstairs and confronts the Phage, but keeps breaking things with her wings. She attacks him with a pizza version of "Moon Tiara Action" to distract him from a distance.
Sailor Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter then also arrive as well as Star Maker, Healer, and Fighter. Minako is still trapped on the wall.

Sailor Moon uses "Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss" and heals the Phage.
Sailor Uranus, Neptune, and the Sailor Starlights decide to leave. Seiya returns later though.
Much later on, after having cleaned the entire house, the girls, Usagi and Seiya hear something in the house. They all think it could be the robber they had heard about, and go to look. They see someone in the hallway, and they imagine it's a monster. They all dive onto it, but are surprised to see it's only Chibi Chibi who's just eating cake. Usagi gets upset cause now she has to clean up again.

I love this episode because it is light hearted and shows how confusing a battle can get when you contain it in one house. This is a good episode for me too, cause I've actually met Kikuko Inoue who performed the voice of Sailor Aluminum Siren.

"Tsukiiro no Syndicate" from the musical:

Help Naoko and I celebrate by following me on twitter: @jjewelyj


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Jewely and Naoko's Birthday Celebration 2014 - Day 12

Happy 50th post to my Japanimation Nation!

Episode 200 (Season 5/Sailor Stars)
"Usagi's Love! The Moonlight Lights Up the Galaxy"

Original Air Date: February 8th, 1997
Sailor Moon/Usagi-Kotono Mitsuishi
Sailor Mercury/Ami-Aya Hisakawa
Sailor Mars/Rei-Michie Tomizawa
Sailor Jupiter/Makoto-Emi Shinohara
Sailor Venus/Minako-Rika Fukami
Sailor Uranus/Haruka-Megumi Ogata
Sailor Neptune/Michiru-Masako Katsuki
Sailor Pluto/Setsuna-Chiyoko Kawashima
Sailor Saturn/Hotaru-Yuko Minaguchi
Sailor Star Fighter/Seiya-Shiho Niyama
Sailor Star Maker/Taiki-Narumi Tsunoda
Sailor Star Healer/Yaten-Chika Sakamoto
Sailor Chibi Chibi/Chibi Chibi-Kotono Mitsuishi
Endymion/Mamoru-Tohru Furuya
Sailor Galaxia-Mitsuko Horie
Princess Kakyuu-Sakiko Tamagawa
Luna-Keiko Han
Artemis-Yasuhiro Takato

This is the final episode of the Sailor Moon anime.

Sailor Chibi Chibi is floating above ground sending out waves of energy to Sailor Moon. The Silver Crystal hovers over Sailor Moon and slowly returns to her body.
Sailor Moon finds herself floating in space, and a shadowed figure is in front of her explaining that Sailor Moon must use the light of hope to light up the galaxy one more.
None of Sailor Moon's long-time comrades are fighting with her. She is accompanied by Sailor Star Fighter, Star Maker, and Star Healer.
I am not going to go into details with this episode as it is the last one, and I know lots of people haven't seen it. But here it is so that you can watch it:

This episode is one of my favorites, because it shows how much strength is in Usagi's love. She can warm even the coldest of hearts.

Here is "La Moon" from The Sailor Stars musical:


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Jewely and Naoko's Birthday Celebration 2014 - Day 11

Episode 45 (Season 1/Sailor Moon Classic)
"Sailor Warriors Die! The Tragic Final Battle" (Dub: There were so many scenes cut from the last 2 episodes that the NA version was able to make just one episode called "Day of Destiny")

Original Air Date: February 20th, 1993 (Dub: November 3rd, 1995)
Sailor Moon/Usagi-Kae Araki (Dub: Terri Hawkes)
Sailor Mercury/Ami-Aya Hisakawa (Dub: Karen Bernstein)
Sailor Mars/Rei-Michie Tomizawa (Dub: Katie Griffin)
Sailor Jupiter/Makoto-Emi Shinohara (Dub: Susan Roman)
Sailor Venus/Minako-Rika Fukami (Dub: Stephanie Morgenstern)
Tuxedo Mask/Endymion/Mamoru-Tohru Furuya (Dub: Toby Proctor)
Queen Beryl-Keiko Han (Dub:Naz Edwards)
Luna-Keiko Han (Dub: Jill Frappier)
Artemis-Yasuhiro Takato (Dub: Ron Rubin)
DD Girls-Naoko Nakamura, Asako Satou (Dub: Tracey Hoyt, Mary Long, Tracey Moore,Barbara Radecki, Nadine Rabinovitch)
Mama Ikuko Tsukino-Sanae Takagi (Dub: Barbara Radecki)
Papa Kenji Tsukino-Yuuji Machi (Dub: David Huband)
Shingo Tsukino-Chiyoko Kawashima (Dub: Julie Lemieux)

The episode begins with Usagi cooking for her family. They are all scared to try the meal she made. She insists that it will be delicious, but takes one bite and it's too spicy.
At the Hikawa Shrine, everyone is gathered, ready to leave to face Queen Beryl. Usagi asks Rei if she got to kiss Yuichiro goodbye. This annoys Rei, but opens a discussion about how everyone would like to have a romance when they return. (even Ami)
They all transform into their Sailor forms.The girls join hands and are told to use Sailor Teleport by Luna and Artemis.
They arrive at the cold D-Point, where the Dark Kingdom's hideout is. Sailor Moon is freezing while Sailor Mercury is trying to locate any signs of the hideout.
In front of them, they see Tuxedo Mask hanging, tied up, and asking for help from Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon rushes to save him, but is stopped by the other senshi. They tell her that it could be a trick. Tuxedo Mask then has vines come out of his chest to attack them and they realize it's not him, but a DD girl.
The vision appears again and foolishly starts to rush to his aid again. Sailor Jupiter starts to attack, but the illusion turns into Motoki and she stops. She is then captured by the DD girls.
She tells Sailor Moon and the other senshi to go on and she will deal with them. They don't move, but watch as she attacks the DD girls with "Supreme Thunder". Sailor Moon rushes up to Sailor Jupiter to help her. Jupiter is trapped in ice, powerless. Sailor Moon tells her that she needs to come down while starting to cry. Jupiter tells her that she needs to cheer up. Sailor Moon says that Jupiter lied when she said she would come home and have a romance. She says "the King of Hell will yank out your tongue". Jupiter dies, leaving Sailor Moon screaming that she can't die.
The other senshi try to get Sailor Moon back together. Sailor Moon says they should just give up and go home. Sailor Mercury slaps her across the face and tells her not to let Jupiter die in vain.
The DD girls show up again, and Sailor Mercury sends the other girls ahead since their powers are stronger and they can protect Usagi.
Sailor Mercury sees an illusion of Ryo Urawa, and is a little happy that she gets to see this illusion too. She is then attacked. She counters it with "Shabon Spray" and surrounds herself for protection. She is confronted by one of the DD girls. Sailor Mercury uses her mini computer to smash the crown on the girl's head, which allows her to perform illusions. Sailor Mercury then dies.
Sailor Moon senses Mercury's death and collapses on the ground, crying. Venus and Mars are saddened, but they tell Sailor Moon she can't fall apart when these things happen.
Sailor Venus sees that Sailor Moon is about to be attacked and pushes her out of the way. Venus is grabbed by the DD girls' vines. Sailor Moon says that she will just hand over the Silver Crystal. Sailor Venus shouts that she will never forgive her if she does that. Venus is dragged underground with the enemy. She uses "Crescent Beam" and destroys a DD girl, but she is also killed.
Sailor Moon and Mars are the only ones left. They are approached by the remaining DD girls, and Sailor Mars says it's her turn to face them. Sailor Moon tries to stop her, but Mars tells her that she needs to live so she can face Beryl. Sailor Moon fights 3 of them, only one comes out alive, but drags Mars' battered body up and talks to Sailor Moon. Sailor Mars has not been all the way defeated yet, and grabs the girl's vine arm. The DD girl looks at her in horror, and Mars cries out "Fire Soul" which then destroys her. Sailor Mars lays on the ice, lifeless.
Sailor Moon is not crying this time, she is too sad. 
She is seen crouching on the ground with a broken heart. She then feels the spirits of her comrades telling her to be brave and keep going. Sailor Moon then resolves to not cry anymore and face Queen Beryl with all the strength she has.

I love this episode because it was a new discovery for me when I watched the Japanese version. There is so much emotion between the senshi. It is an episode that truly displays how much Sailor Moon cares about every one of her friends.

Here is a clip from the 1993 "Gaiden Dark Kingdom Fukkatsu Hen" musical where the senshi battle the Dark Kingdom:

Help Naoko and I celebrate by liking me on Facebook: Jewely's Japanimation Nation


Monday, March 10, 2014

Jewely and Naoko's Birthday Celebration 2014 - Day 10

Episode 101 (Season 3/Sailor Moon S)
"Usagi in Tears! Glass Shoes for Her Birthday" (Dub: "Birthday Blues Part 1")

Original Air Date: July 2nd, 1994 (Dub: June 27th, 2000)
Sailor Moon/Usagi-Kotono Mitsuishi (Dub: Linda Ballantyne)
Sailor Mercury/Ami-Aya Hisakawa (Dub: Liza Balkan)
Sailor Mars/Rei-Michie Tomizawa (Dub: Katie Griffin)
Sailor Jupiter/Makoto-Emi Shinohara (Dub: Susan Roman)
Sailor Venus/Minako-Rika Fukami (Dub: Emilie Barlow)
Tuxedo Mask/Mamoru-Tohru Furuya (Dub: Vincent Corazza)
Sailor Uranus/Haruka-Megumi Ogata (Dub: Sarah LaFleur)
Sailor Neptune/Michiru-Masako Katsuki (Dub: Barbara Radecki)
Kaolinite-Noriko Uemura (Dub: Kirsten Bishop)
Cenicienta-Konami Yoshida (Dub: Mary Long)
Luna-Keiko Han (Dub: Jill Frappier)
Artemis-Yasuhiro Takato (Dub: Ron Rubin)

The episode begins with Usagi being very excited about it being her birthday. The other girls act like it's no big deal and tell Usagi not to be late for the study meeting. This leaves Usagi feeling heartbroken because her friends don't care about her birthday.
Usagi goes window shopping to cheer herself up. While shopping, she spots these beautiful glass slippers. She imagines herself as Cinderella and decides that her prince should get them for her for her birthday. 
She finds Mamoru and starts leading him to the slippers saying that she knows the gift he can get for her. Mamoru begins to ask what the gift is for. Usagi tells him to stop playing around. He starts to guess what day it is and never gets it right. Usagi smacks him and runs away. Mamoru stands there wondering what he did wrong.
Usagi runs into Haruka and Michiru. They ask her why she is so upset. She explains that Mamoru didn't remember her birthday, so he is no longer her boyfriend. Haruka then asks if she has a chance with Usagi. Usagi realizes that she is going to be late for the study group and rushes off.
The phone begins to ring at Rei's place. Rei answers it, and it's Mamoru. Mamoru asks why Usagi is so upset with him. Rei tells him it's Usagi's birthday. Mamoru then informs her that Usagi never told him when her birthday was.
When Usagi arrives at the Hikawa Shrine, she realizes that what she did to Mamoru was stupid. She opens the door and the other girls surprise her with confetti and cake! They then begin to give her gifts. Usagi says that she wishes Mamoru had remembered her birthday.
Rei tells her that Mamoru called and said that she never told him when her birthday was. Usagi says that's correct, but since they're in love, he should just know. Rei asks her if she knows when Mamoru's birthday is. Usagi takes a few guesses, but realizes she doesn't know. She then decides that she needs to go apologize immediately.
Mamoru, having purchased the glass shoes, is hoping that Usagi will forgive him. Usagi finds him and runs into his arms asking for his forgiveness. He then kneels down to put the glass shoes on his princess. 
As Usagi puts her foot in the shoe, it begins to transform into a Daimon. The Daimon's name is Cenicienta and has targeted Usagi's pure heart crystal.
Cenicienta backs Usagi up to the wall and knocks her Cosmic Brooch out of her hand, making Usagi unable to transform. Usagi has her heart crystal taken from her, but Tuxedo Mask rescues her and returns it. He and Usagi run and hide from Cenicienta.
Tuxedo Mask tells Usagi to transform into Sailor Moon. Usagi says she would but can't since she doesn't have her brooch.
Kaolinite finds the Cosmic Brooch and realizes Usagi is Sailor Moon. Usagi and Tuxedo Mask witness this from afar. Tuxedo Mask explains that it's not important right now. What's important is preserving her life.
They hide out in a nearby parking garage, but are found by Kaolinite and Cenicienta. They try to attack Usagi, but Tuxedo Mask sacrifices himself to save her and is encased in Cenicienta's glass.
The episode ends with Usagi clinging to the glass Tuxedo Mask.

I like this episode because it's the one episode where someone in the Sailor Moon universe has a birthday. I love how the senshi still have the normal desires to just take a day and celebrate!

Here is a video of the PGSM cast singing "C'est La Vie":

Help Naoko and I celebrate by following me on twitter: @jjewelyj


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Jewely and Naoko's Birthday Celebration 2014 - Day 9

Episode 158 (Season 4/ Sailor Moon SuperS)
"The Secret of Pegasus! The Handsome Guardian of the Dream World" (Dub: Pegasus Revealed)

Original Air Date: December 23rd, 1995 (Dub: November 6, 2000)
Sailor Moon/Usagi-Kotono Mitsuishi (Dub: Linda Ballantyne)
Sailor Mercury/Ami-Aya Hisakawa (Dub:Liza Balkan)
Sailor Mars/Rei-Michie Tomizawa (Dub: Katie Griffin)
Sailor Jupiter/Makoto-Emi Shinohara (Dub:Susan Roman)
Sailor Venus/Minako-Rika Fukami (Dub:Emilie Barlow)
Sailor ChibiMoon/ChibiUsa-Kae Araki (Dub: Stephanie "Sugar" Beard)
Tuxedo Mask/Mamoru-Tohru Furuya (Dub: Vincent Corazza)
PallaPalla-Machiko Toyoshima (Dub:Jennifer Gould)
PeroPero-Tomoko Naka
Pegasus/Helios-Taiki Matsuno (Dub: Robert Bockstael)

The episode begins with ChibiUsa running and thinking about how she wishes that she was grown up. She wishes that she could be older and have someone like Mamoru to kiss. She wonders what Pegasus would think of her as a grown woman.
After doing her homework she decides to go for a walk. Usagi, who hasn't finished hers yet, insists on going with her.
In the park, PallaPalla is doing a puppet show for all the kids, she then attacks them to look for the golden dream mirror. Sailor Moon and ChibiMoon arrive to stop her. PallaPalla overhears them fighting over how they would love to switch ages. So PallaPalla grants their wish and turns Sailor Moon into a kid and ChibiMoon into a grown woman. Sailor Moon tells ChibiMoon to call Pegasus, but Pegasus doesn't come when she does

The Sailor senshi arrive and PallaPalla takes off running. They all realize that something is a little off. 
ChibiUsa goes into her room to try to talk to Pegasus through the Stallion Reve, but he still doesn't respond.
Usagi and ChibiUsa both go over to Mamoru's place, having told Mama Ikuko they were staying at Rei's. Mamoru is very confused by the swap.
Usagi and ChibiUsa are taking a bath and Usagi tells ChibiUsa to go to bed. But ChibiUsa just stands in the mirror and stares at her mature body and wonders what Pegasus would think of her now.
While asleep, ChibiUsa hears Pegasus' voice calling out to her. She runs outside to find him. He offers to show ChibiUsa his world, Elysion. So she gets on his back and flies away. 
She sees that Elysion is barren and Pegasus tells her that his world was attacked by the dead moon who were looking for the Golden Crystal. He then tells her he was captured by them and trapped. He one day saw a light from ChibiUsa's dreams and was able to become a Pegasus and reside within her dreams.

He explains that because she wanted to be a grown up, he couldn't see her light anymore. He told her that it was dark moon power blocking her light and if she keeps it that way, he won't be able to see her anymore.
ChibiUsa begins to cry because she doesn't want that to happen. She begins to run toward Pegasus and turns back into a child. Pegasus walks towards her and leans in for a kiss. When he actually kisses her, he is in his human form. He breaks away and tells her his name is Helios.
ChibiUsa wakes up back to normal, while Usagi just got too big for the pajamas she was wearing.
Back at the park, PallaPalla continues to attack people, looking for the golden dream mirror. The Sailor senshi enter and she is surprised to see that Sailor Moon and ChibiMoon are back to normal. 
She calls on her Lemures, PeroPero. The senshi have a hard time fighting it, then Tuxedo Mask comes in and saves them. Sailor ChibiMoon calls on Pegasus with "Twinkle Yell" and Sailor Moon defeats PeroPero with "Moon Gorgeous Meditation".
PallaPalla teleports away while the senshi are all looking at Pegasus. ChibiMoon wonders if the kiss he gave her was just a dream.

I like this episode because it really hits home the concept of not growing up too fast. You only have once to be young, you only get older.

This clip has episodes 158-160:

Here is a song from the musicals sang by Pegasus, ChibiUsa, Usagi, and Mamoru:
